Thursday, June 4, 2009

Assignment #1 Remembering your favorite childhood toy.....


  1. Yeah! i get to be the first to comment on the blog. i'm not usually the early bird... thanks for getting us up and running with the blog. and thanks for giving us an assignment. i'm looking forward to it. God bless.

  2. Fun learning to blog!! Stretching muscles other than those used in the garden or the gym.

  3. ...what's the saying about give a busy person the job to do... thx J for blog starting. I'm at the lake with my pottery wheel, lap top, and a 'few' books... and as the weather is not too conducive to outdoor activities, I'm getting some writing done. Only trouble is, I'm at 1100 words for our 'assignment'. Will have to do some editing before I post it.
    Stay warm.

  4. thanks Josie for all your work and patience. have been thinking about the assignment. I guess it can be fiction or non fiction eh? Good for you Jan, nothing wrong with 1100 words, sure beats no words.

  5. Glad to see we're all here. fiction or non is fine. Who want's to post the next assignment on July 8? I can hardly wait to read all our stuff. Go girls!

  6. Hi Gals! I'm repeating the above comments, but a big thanks to J. for getting us started with our own blog. I love the assignment and I'm basically ready to post it. My question: Do I just cut and paste the story as if I was posting a comment? It may be a stupid question... but I just want to clarify.

  7. Hey Judy, go to new post and copy and paste it in there. Then it will come up as a seperate piece of work. If you don't get it figured email me I'll walk you through it

  8. Hi Josephine, Did I post my story correctly? It doesne't seem to show up under your June 10th comment...

  9. Hey girls!
    How is everybody? Way to go on everybody's writing, I am also planning to "finish" my story this summer and then send it off by September, and we'll see from there!
    I thought of a great assignment today that I'd love to post on the 8th, if no one else has volunteered to do it...

  10. Look forward to the assignment Kate... and do we get to see the completed story? Please:) Keep well all and enjoy this nice weather.

  11. I think I finally figured out how to post my comments regarding everyone's stories! I may be slow but... I eventually come around :-)

    Wouldn't it be cool if we compiled our monthly assignments for a year or two and then tried to publish them as a group effort? The title of the book could be "The Five Versions' (or the number of us that continue). Chapter 1 would be 'My Favorite Toy' with our mix of stories and so on.
